Beginner Essentials - I : Important Git Commands

Beginner Essentials - I : Important Git Commands

Hi! I am Sunil! I am a front-end developer.

If you're confused with lots of tutorials, youtube videos and unwarranted online knowledge about which GIT commands to know and which one to let go, you're in the right place. (TLDR? Go to point 1 below)

When I started learning web-development, I made various mistakes which most of the developers can relate to. We often see developers writing articles and making Youtube videos stating mistakes and ways to avoid them which are obvious to make in web development and programming.

Today I want to share some of my notes with you which I took while working on my front-end development journey which will be the "Beginner Essentials - I" i.e, all the extensively used Important GIT Commands. The "Beginner Essentials - II" covers the extensively used Important VSCode Shortcuts which increases developers productivity immensely and thus every developer wants to be well - verse with those. Make sure to check out both if you haven't already.

Now lets do some hands-on with the commands we were waiting for. Lets begin-

Essential GIT commands:

To execute Git commands, use a terminal (the built-in command line or Power Shell or Git Bash)

1. Git config

Git config is used to set up name and email that is associated with your GitHub account and link local machine to Github

git config –-global “[name]”  
git config -–global “[email address]”

git config.png

2. Git Init & GIt add

mkdir [directory name] is used to make new directory (in windows)

cd [directory name] is used to change directory to [directory name]

git init [repository name] is used to initialize your repository

git add [file] is used to add your repo into staging area

git add . is used to add all files at once

git init.png

03. Git commit

git commit -m “[ Type in the commit message]”

This command is used to commit your changes like file addition, deletion, any change etc into a staging area

git commit.png

04. Git log & Git status

git log is used to check the history of the current branch

git status is used to see the list of files that have to be committed


05. Git branch

git branch is used to list all branches

git branch [branch name] is used to create a new branch

git branch -d [branch name] is used to delete branch

git checkout [branch name] is used to switch from one branch to other

git merge [branch ] is used to merge named branch in the current branch you are in


06. Git remote

git remote add [variable name ] [Remote Server Link]

This command is used to connect your local repository to a remote server


07. Git push & Git pull

git push [variable name] master

This command is used to send the local commit to the remote repository

git pull [Repository Link]

This command is used to fetch server commits to local commit


This is it. You're good to go and increase your productivity at work you ever wanted. If you find this piece of article useful, I'd definitely love to see you at my Linkedin and GitHub.